Most items on our site are In Stock and ready to ship. Some items are either temporarily out-of-stock,
are not available for shipment until a specific release date provided by the manufacturer, or require extra time for sizing
or other adjustments. We try our very best to stock all of our listed products in our warehouse. This ensures that the product
will be shipped promptly. In fact, over 90% of all orders are shipped within one business day. Have Questions About Our
Pricing and Availability? If you have some additional questions about pricing and availability, please contact us and we'll
try our best to address all of your questions and concerns. |
At JLC Audio we are committed to getting your order safely to your doorstep as fast as possible
and at minimum cost. Calculating out shipping rates is simple: for all 48 Contiguous United States orders over $100, UPS Ground
shipping is free! For all other shipping methods and destinations please see list below.
Depending on the item(s)
you purchase on www.JLCAudio.net and the location to which the items will be delivered, different shipping methods will be
available. Each shipping method has its own restrictions and charges that will be applied to your order.
At checkout,
you will be prompted to choose a shipping method for your item(s). Shipping costs are dependent on the items in your order
and the shipping method you select. Your total shipping charges will automatically compute during checkout prior to the completion
of your order.
You will be provided with the total shipping cost for your order during Checkout.
you will have the option of upgrading your shipping method for faster delivery (such as Three Day Ground, Second Day Air or
Next Day Air service). If you choose to upgrade your shipping method, your order must be received and clear credit authorization
by 12:00 p.m. (noon) PST or your order may not be processed until the following business day. Business days are Monday-Friday,
excluding federal holidays within the United States.
Standard Ground, normally 3-8 bus. days Shipping rate for Orders over $100 Dollars
- free, less then $100 Dollars - $9.95.* Most items may be shipped to the 48 contiguous United
States via UPS Standard Ground service. You can expect your order to arrive within 3-8 full business days. Business days are
Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States. |
Three Day Ground, normally 3 business days Shipping Rate - $19.95 per item.* Three Day Ground, normally 3 business days Most items may be shipped to the 48 contiguous United States
via UPS Three Day Ground service. You can expect your order to arrive within 3 full business days. Business days are Monday-Friday,
excluding federal holidays within the United States. |
Second Day air, normally 2 business days Shipping Rate - $29.95 per item.* Second Day Air, normally 2 business days Most items may be shipped to the 48 contiguous United States via
UPS Second Day Air service. You can expect your order to arrive within 2 full business days. Business days are Monday-Friday,
excluding federal holidays within the United States. |
Next Day air, normally 1 business day Shipping Rate - $39.95 per item.* Next
Day Air, normally 1 business day Most items may be shipped to the 48 contiguous United States via UPS Next Day Air service.
You can expect your order to arrive within 1 full business day. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays
within the United States. |
Alaska or Hawaii All orders to Alaska and Hawaii are shipped via UPS Second Day Air service.
P.O. Boxes in the U.S. - USPS Priority Delivery, normally 5-10 business days Shipping Rate
- $21.00 per item.* Most items may be shipped via USPS Priority Service, but some restrictions
apply. You can expect delivery within 5-10 full business days. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays
within the United States. The following items cannot be shipped via USPS Priority mail at this time: items over 70 lbs.,
freight-only items and flammable items. |
Military APO / FPO Addresses - USPS Priority Delivery Shipping Rate - $20.00 per item.* Most items may be shipped via USPS Priority Service, but some restrictions apply. The following
items cannot be shipped via USPS Priority mail at this time: items over 70 lbs., freight-only items and flammable items. |
Canada - normally 3-8 bus. days Shipping Rate - $14.95 per item.* Most
items may be shipped to Canada via UPS Standard Ground service. You can expect your order to arrive within 3-8 full business
days. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States. |
International Sorry but at this point we do not ship international. Shipping and requesting
delivery are within the United States and Canada only. |
* Shipping rates may increase for items that
are considered by the carrier as oversized, overweight, or require special handling of any kind. | | | |